Rebecca Hadland 0x

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Dudley, west midlands, United Kingdom
Name: Rebecca Hadland Im eighteen years of age Hometown: Dudley Currently living in bath Hobbies: dance drama music.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Saturday 26 February 2011


The BEST EVER play i have seen, truly exceeded my expectations.

Lear. trail of tears..

Magnificent peice of drama, couldnt tell the difference weather it was professional or not.  

Thursday 17 February 2011

monologue and landscape

Enjoyable at parts, but most of it confused me!

Avenue Q....

I can never EVER... get bored of this show. Left the theatre with a massive smile on my face.

Saturday 22 January 2011

Hippolytus ( bsu theatre)

 Sometimes you forget where you are. amazing piece of work. Third years should be proud.  
